Desalination plant improves water quality in the Ciénaga de Zapata

The definitive start-up here of a desalination plant enables some 5,000 residents of this territory to consume excellent quality drinking water.

It is very good news now that we are preparing to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of the victorious deed of April 1961, commented Bienvenido Roig Chirino, first secretary of the Party in that Mantancero municipality.

The political leader recognized that the work directly benefits the residents of Playa Girón. This is how one of the oldest approaches of the residents of said community is resolved, he said.

Antonio Hernández Martínez, delegate of Hydraulic Resources in the province, said that the equipment, of German technology, has a capacity of around 5,000 liters per hour, and that it will not be connected to the network to homes, but will be a point access for residents in that area.

He added that the operation of the plant was possible thanks to the assembly of the electrical transformers by workers of the Basic Electrical Organization of Matanzas, as well as the technical support of specialists from the Mixed Company Acuanova S.A.

On a date yet to be defined, the exploitation of a similar plant is expected in the town of Cayo Ramona, and later in other towns such as La Ceiba and Helechal, where the locals consume water with a high percentage of salinity.

The installation of these desalination plants is part of the country’s strategy in the face of climate variability, and is one of the lines of work of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources.

The modern development of desalination is not new in Cuba, since for some time it has been explored in sectors such as industry and tourism, and dozens of them have been installed in various provinces of the country. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon


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