Healthy recreation, respectful coexistence, opportunities for expression and sociocultural growth are found by those enrolled in summer workshops of the Adolescents for Matanzas project, which will last until next Friday to promote a culture of participation.

The project created by the Office of the Conservator of this city will promote during five days of exchanges that the 45 participants, aged between 12 and 18, promote skills in an entertaining way, and gain knowledge that responds to the needs of the age group.

I consider the initiative an attractive opportunity to broaden knowledge about different spheres such as Journalism, crafts, history, Flavia de los Ángeles Contreras Vega, a participant with the experience of the 2022 workshops, told the Cuban News Agency.

Exchanging with professionals who help us strengthen the values ​​that we already carry within will always be very beneficial, and also because it provides us with concepts that can be useful in terms of vocational guidance and future job aspirations, he added.

Magalys Menéndez Peñate, head of the Adolescents for Matanzas project, explained that they work with participatory techniques, debate, dialogue, interactively, to contribute to the Office’s urban management objective, which is to do for and with the people, giving it prominence.

With a fair exposing the results of the week and a holiday party, the Adolescentes por Matanzas workshops will close this Friday, August 4, also with the objective of heritage education, and from the model of positive development of adolescence. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

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