Tribute paid to medical students unjustly shot in 1871

With a parade through the main streets of the city of Matanzas, the tribute to the eight medical students unjustly shot by the Spanish regime on November 27, 1871 began.

In front of the house where Carlos Verdugo, one of the victims of this crime, was born, the people of Matanzas paid tribute to the young people.

The event was attended by the member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Party in Matanzas, Susely Morfa González and the deputy governor Marieta Pey Zamora and a representation of students and professors from the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas.

Ángel Félix Almeida Rodríguez, president of the FEU at the house of higher studies, referred to the example of these young people for the Cuban revolutionaries in their struggle for independence.

On November 27, 1871, one of the most horrendous crimes of Spanish colonialism was consummated with the murder of eight medical students. 152 years after the event, the people of Matanzas, inspired by his example, continue to love Cuba and its revolution. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

Acerca Eliane Táboas Merino

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