Making people laugh, doing tricks and encouraging jokes with the simple goal of having fun and entertaining is part of the artistic world of the clown “Gabilete”.
Clothing and makeup contribute to this goal in shows not only for children but also for the whole family.
During this summer the clown played by the young Gabriel Ojeda García wins the sympathy of the public for his witticisms and charisma, he explains that he knows how to take advantage of the one-on-one exchange to tell stories, children’s stories and encourage participation games so that the children jump and above all smile, that is the best gift to see them happy.
He takes advantage of his knowledge as a graduate in Physical Culture, a profession that allows him to always be active and maintain his shows in the same way. During the summer stage, carrying out activities in different spaces is one of his greatest satisfactions because acting on the fifth floor of the hospital, the house for Children without Filial Protection, the communities far from the municipal capital and the fixed spaces in the micro zoo and the Plaza Céspedes, resulted in moments of pure happiness. Gabilite recognizes that being a clown is an art that goes beyond comedy because it transmits knowledge and rules of behavior to children and that the family appreciates in each performance. (ALH)
Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon