Tour Egyptian Ambassador Sights in Colon

For the 187th anniversary of the city of Colón, the ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Cuba, His Excellency Mr. Maher El-Adawy, visited institutions related to history and public health in that territory.

In the Casa de los Mártires del Moncada Museum, formerly the home-office of Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy before participating in the actions at the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba, the Ambassador, accompanied by Party and Government authorities in the territory, received information on the combatants from Matanzas participating in the actions of 26 of 1953.

In the visitors’ book, he shared a message of praise to the institution for the conservation of valuable information and graphic documentation related to a relevant stage in the history of Cuba, which supports its status as local Heritage.

In the maternity home, Doctor Eusebio Hernández Pérez toured the facility and was interested in specialized care for pregnant women at risk and the creation of optimal conditions for their stay, including maintenance and construction renovation actions.

The diplomat visited other health centers and the new seat of government, in which he ratified the ties of friendship and solidarity between both countries.

Cuba and the Arab Republic of Egypt have maintained diplomatic relations for more than 70 years, based on strengthening cultural, social and commercial ties between the two nations. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

Acerca Iris Quintero Zulueta

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