The substitution of a vertical upright ,besides the construction of the temporary facilities to give other jobs ,between the repair quest in the Canimar bridge ,located in the 119 miles of the main road between the Limonar town and this city.
Just like reported in exclusive the News Cuban agency Raciel Armas Perdomo boss of the project group of the No Agricultural Cooperative Sancof, as a part of the recover process of the bridge its foresees the reload (support piece) for day ,until complete 14.
For the security of the piece , whit the objective of complete it this December,24 its count whit a generator in the area , its reserve to guarantee the different tasks ,especially those related.
The responsible of the repair says the principal action to restore the functionality of the structure the beams substitution ,the cleaning and painting throughout with the participation of 30 workers.
The last October,24 by the Security National Commission indication the transit was closed the both ways in the central road located in the 116 miles Ibarra and Caoba 121 miles. (ALH)