The Abel Santamaría Cuadrado Asphalt Plant in Coliseo remained inactive for more than a year. Last May, the productive unit resumed its services with better performance, thanks to the inventiveness of its specialists.
“The entity remained detained due to the lack of the encoder, and after negotiations with the Italian firm that manufactured the plant and at the country level, the problem was solved. Finally, a group of specialists from the center itself and from the Ministry of Construction decided to replace a part with two KTP-1 combined conveyors that ensure better performance”, explains Newel Morejón Rojas, technologist.
Due to the importance of this processing plant for the territory, the first secretary of the Party in Matanzas, Susely Morfa González, together with the lieutenant governor of the province, Marieta Poey Zamora, visited the asphalt industry to learn about the performance in the months of June and July.
In exchange with the specialists, he learned about the 33,000 tons of asphalt that they plan to complete by the end of 2023, whose main destination is the housing program, although they also favor other sectors such as agriculture, MINFAR and the Ministry of the Construction.
Morfa González explained about the importance of establishing productive chains with other companies to increase income and improve the quality of life of her 71 workers.
As part of the exchange held by the highest authorities with the managers of the plant, the need for the center to increase the number of professionals related to these tasks, and to extend its services to all the municipalities of the province, was also revealed.
The plant processes its own raw material and offers transportation, placement and patching services. Its specialists are immersed in the recovery of another of the mills to increase production and reduce fuel consumption. (ALH)
Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon