Etiquetas Archivo

Municipal Assembly of the FMC is held in Jovellanos

Under the slogan Cuban women, victors of the impossible, the federated women of the municipality of Jovellanos held their Eleventh Congress Assembly of the Federation of Cuban Women. Incorporating young women into the work of the FMC and perfecting the leadership structures were the proposals made by the first Secretary …

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Passenger 15 thousand arrives in Varadero

Maxim Gagarin, accompanied by his mother Marina, became the 15,000th passenger to arrive at Varadero’s Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport as part of the wellness and health program between Cuba and the Russian oil company Rosneft. The Nordwing airline flight arrived at the Matanzas air terminal with 400 passengers to …

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Chequen autoridades cumplimiento de Estrategia en el Orden Económico-Social y Político-Ideológico 2023

Autoridades del Partido y del Gobierno en Matanzas chequearon el cumplimiento de la Estrategia en el Orden Económico-Social y Político –Ideológico de 2023 en los municipios de Jovellanos y Perico. En el municipio de Jovellanos la primera secretaria del Partido en la provincia, Susely Morfa González, constató el estado de …

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