South American brigade of solidarity visited Matanzas City.

Members of the South American brigade of solidarity with Cuba visited the province of Matanzas to inquire in the history and actuality.

The brigade members has as objective make stronger the friendship ties with Cuba and Latin American countries, according to Tania Parra Fonseca, main specialist if the south American team of the Latin American and the Caribbean of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People.

Close of the 90s peoples if Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, The Salvador, Venezuela, knows about the main attractive of the province that this year arrive to its 330 anniversary.

The fire of the Super tank base also interested to the visitors who shows the admiration by the duty of the firemen and the medical personal. Until the Firemen Museum arrive to honor to the Homeless Virgin, the holy patroness of the firemen of Cuba.

They are here to learn about the Cuban reality and our history, to support the Cuban revolution, said Parra Fonseca. Besides qualify as important the need of extension of the solidarity movement on Latin American and the Caribbean.

The south American brigade arrived to Cuba the January 19  on its XXVIII chance after 2 years of stop because the Covid-19. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

Acerca Arleen Dianet Matamoros Morales

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