Martí Municipality maintains stable parameters in primary health care

Located in the north of the province of Matanzas, the municipality of Martí has ​​a health system that allows for stable rates in primary care.

«This municipality has 21 Family Doctor and Nurse offices, structured by their complete health team. In addition, we have three extensions located in distant areas that have a full-time nurse and a doctor who visits the premises several times a week,» said Dr. Magaly Menéndez Berrío, municipal director of Health.

The Victoria de Girón Nursing Home brings together specialists from different medical areas to contribute to the health and well-being of the elderly. Community outreach achieves the necessary balance in the epidemiological standards of the territory. In addition, the results in the Maternal and Child Care Program endorse the work of the medical staff.

The different health areas are made up of medical personnel trained for primary care. «We have no cases of hepatitis so far. The hygienic-epidemiological situation is quite favorable and we have been working since the beginning of the year to maintain this and avoid the occurrence of an epidemic when the summer months arrive, which are conducive to the proliferation of vectors. For the second consecutive year, the municipality of Martí reduced its maternal and infant mortality rate to zero,» said the doctor.

By 2025, maintaining or exceeding the records and capacities becomes the objective for the Municipal Health Department in Martí.

(Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon)

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