At the Medicinal Plants Farm belonging to the Urban Farm Base Business Unit (UEB) of the Vladimir Ilich Lenin, in Jovellanos, Agricultural Company, the Commander of the Revolution José Ramón Machado Ventura urged increasing agricultural areas for the production of medicinal plants.
Accompanied by the member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first Secretary in Matanzas, Susely Morfa González, Mario Sabines Lorenzo, Governor of the Province, other partisan, government authorities, the Ministry of Public Health, as well as the agriculture sector , Machado Ventura learned of the palpable results of this farm.
He emphatically urged to take advantage of every bit of land in order to increase and diversify their productions.
In this sense, authorities from the Vladimir Ilich Lenin Agricultural Company explained the installation and assembly of two covered warehouses that will be used for planting seedlings and drying various species.
Currently, the Jovellanense Medicinal Plants Farm has a total area of 15 arable hectares and its productions are already chained and distributed to various provinces of the country, taking into account the priority given to the development and generalization of Natural and Traditional Medicine (NTM).
During his tour, Machado Ventura criticized the existence of idle lands near the Farm, for which he called for the adoption of measures in order to reverse this situation.
Widely aware of the benefits and uses of (MNT) the also Doctor and Commander of the Revolution was interested in the productive chains, the commercialization and the different ways by which a greater export of what is cultivated here can be achieved.
The origin of (MNT) made Machado Ventura himself see, it is intimately linked with the history of man in his struggle for survival, hence the different modalities of it offer great potential to current medicine, especially when it constitutes one more treatment alternative for different diseases. (ALH)
Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon