Update situation with water supply in the city

The water supply in some neighborhoods of the city of Matanzas has been a worrying issue in recent days. The municipal director of the UEB Aqueducts and Sewerage in the territory, Frank Elías Suárez, explained that in recent days there have been difficulties with the electrical service, which causes a destabilization in the pumping system.

“This fact results in a delay in filling the main cistern or distribution center, located in El Naranjal. This has brought with it that the systems that exist in the Matanzas geography have suffered a level of affectations for the population. Such is the case of Kilometer 101, the upper and lower area of ​​Matanzas, the Camilo Cienfuegos neighborhood, El Cocal, Pueblo Nuevo and some areas of the beach”, he added.

Added to these energy effects are breakdowns within the pumping system, explained Elías Suárez. The Conde’s No. 1 engine and the concrete tank behind the Matanzas Pedagogical Provincial School, in charge of supplying the Kilometer, Los Mangos and upper areas of the city, are some of the damaged equipment. Currently the workers of Aqueducts and Sewers are working on its repair.

“Until now, the electromechanical brigade of our company seeks to solve these faults. We have the support of the Government and other entities that have provided pipe services, along with seven that we have in the company”, the manager clarified.

Despite the efforts of the UEB, this measure is unsatisfactory for the population of Matanzas, because the amount of water distributed does not correspond to the demand. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

Acerca Daniela Pujol Pérez

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