Good acceptance in use of the Enzona application

Since 2020 in Matanzas they have implemented the use of the Enzona platform for online payments. The gastronomic center El Bahia and some establishments in the tourist hub of Varadero had the first in this process.

Currently, more than 2,200 establishments throughout the province use this gateway for the collection and payment of services through the QR Code.

As one of its benefits, Enzona guarantees the infrastructure to the more than a thousand units that offer the Caja Extra service and to the chain of virtual stores in the territories.

With the implementation of Resolution 111 of the Central Bank of Cuba and thanks to the work of the political and governmental authorities, the banking sector and the Xetid Matanzas Company are the first in the country in terms of the number of extra cash operations through the Enzona application. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

Acerca Blanca Bonachea

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