Matanzas Genetic Livestock Company presents development program

The short, medium and long-term strategies of the Matanzas Genetic Livestock Company were presented to the highest political and governmental authorities of the province.

The aim is to improve livestock, increase milk production and bring in income from exports.

The company, founded by the historical leader Fidel Castro, currently presents unfavorable indicators from the productive point of view, hence the commitment of cadres and workers to reverse the situation.

The first secretary of the Party in Matanzas, Susely Morfa González, explained the need to seek order in the entity based on the cattle livestock development program conceived from 2024 to 2028.

In the presentation of these lines of action, reference was made to the work priorities focused on the development of genetic projects, the training and motivation of the workforce and the generalization of experiences based on the application of science and technology.

Governor Mario Sabines Lorenzo urged progress in computerization and closer ties of collaboration with other agencies. He also called for the proper exploitation of endogenous resources, sustainability and economic efficiency as goals to achieve the rebirth of this socialist state enterprise of great relevance in the economic panorama of the province of Matanzas. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman Medina de Leon

Acerca Eliane Táboas Merino

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