Commemorates anniversary of the creation of MININT

Faithful to the example of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and other leaders of the Revolution, the women and men who are members of the ranks of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) in Jovellanos, commemorated its 63rd anniversary.

From the headquarters of Command 7 of the Territorial Fire Department and in the presence of the main government and party authorities, as well as the heads of the different bodies that make up this people’s force, several of its combatants who stand out for their dedication and sacrifice, were honored by the delivery of distinctions, recognitions and promotions to the next higher rank.

For organizing, executing and controlling the application of the policy of the Party, the State and the Government in what concerns State Security and Internal Order in the municipality, the recognition and congratulations also came on behalf of the Higher Body and the different organizations of the territory, but especially on behalf of the people of Jovellanos.

In its more than six decades, the MININT has become that “uniformed people” as Camilo Cienfuegos called it at the time and Fidel later confirmed, capable of making the country proud and leading numerous actions without neglecting the safeguarding of citizen security and national borders, all this in the midst of the intensification of the blockade and hostility of the United States government. (ALH)

Translated by Casterman  Medina de Leon

Acerca Yosier Argüeso Miranda

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